Thursday, October 31, 2019

[HWPL] For the World! For the Future! HWPL's Peace Letter Campaign


[HWPL] For the World! For the Future! HWPL's Peace Letter Campaign

Since the foundation of HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light. Chairman Man Hee Lee), Chairman Man Hee Lee and HWPL peace advocates have been struggling for world peace and a future of peaceful humanity.

Today HWPL is a peace NGO registered under the United Nations' ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) and the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs with more than 170 branches and countless affiliates around the world.

In 2016, to carry out a concrete work for world peace, Chairman Man Hee Lee and the HWPL International Law Peace Committee proclaimed the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) with its 10 Articles 38 Clauses - an international law to achieve sustainable peace.

Moreover, to implement the DPCW through the UN general assembly, HWPL and its peace groups (International Women's Peace Group and International Peace Youth Group) began the "Legislate Peace" Project in 2018 to urge every head of state to support the DPCW and spread Peace Culture throughout the world.

Peace Letter campaign is a part of "Legislate Peace" Project that everyone in the world who loves and desires world peace can participate in to leave a world of peace for future generations. It's not hard or complicated work, but actually very simple, and effective.

To write a letter to your head of state, take a sheet of paper and start writing a letter with a pen (or pencil) about why the DPCW is essential and is the answer for world peace, that you want the DPCW to be implemented for peace in your country and the world, and that you absolutely desire peace for the world for future generations - not war and conflict.

Your letter (and letters from everyone around the world) will show heads of state the support for the DPCW from citizens throughout the world, and also help 'continuous communication and cooperation between civil society and the government with the purpose of the implementation of the international law for peace.'

Eventually it will guide people on the path to world peace and a peaceful humanity on the earth :)

So, why don't you grab a piece of paper and start writing Peace Letter for the world and for yourself? :) One letter can make you a hero who saves the world. Let's start it today :)

Write Online Peace Letter

Want to be informed and involved? Click Below!

HWPL official homepage :

IWPG official homepage :

IPYG official homepage :

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