Wednesday, October 30, 2019

[Food] Dubu-Jorim (두부조림, Braised Tofu)


[Food] Dubu-Jorim (두부조림, Braised Tofu)

Dubu-jorim in spicy soy sauce (braised tofu in spicy soy sauce )

Tofu has been eaten by far-eastern Asians since its invention in China from ancient times. Among people who loved eating tofu, Koreans also invented many recipes for tofu such as soup, stew, roast, stir-fry and etc.

Today I want to introduce you to Dubu-jorim, which is 'braised tofu'. It's not a popular side dish for people who don't like tofu or for meat-only-lovers, but it's one of Koreans' favorite side dishes.

Savory, salty and spicy stew-like sauce is a very attractive dish for Koreans who love spicy and salty food. Korean food-historians estimate that the jorim (braise) method of cooking had begun in the 19th century, so dubu-jorim might have also been invented in the same era.

Dubu-jorim with saesongi mushroom and green onion
Dubu-jorim recipe is not difficult; it's actually very simple. Slice a tofu into the appropriate size, and prepare a large pot to braise the tofu slices. Then completely cover the tofu with water, salted shrimp, red chili powder, minced garlic, sugar, soy sauce and some cooking wine to braise them till the tofu is cooked and absorbed with seasonings.

Dubu-jorim without spicy chili powder
So it is a very good dish for newbie Korean cooks and tofu-lovers. Put all the ingredients then boil till it is cooked. Soft and spicy tofu with hot sauce is the best accompaniment for steamed rice and soju (for alcohol lovers).

If you are a tofu-lover or vegetarian looking for exotic or Asian food, try dubu-jorim :) I'm sure that you will like it.

Bon Appétit!

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