Sunday, June 6, 2021

[HWPL] HWPL Peace Libraries for Children and Peace of Myanmar


[HWPL] HWPL Peace Libraries for Children and Peace of Myanmar

HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light: Chairman Man-Hee Lee) has been building HWPL peace libraries for children in Myanmar to implement HWPL's peace initiatives including peace education.

It's being led by Ven.Ashin Htavara, who is the general secretary of the All Burma Monks' Representative Committee (ABMRC) of Myanmar. He is actually staying in Norway because he was exiled from his country for leading the Saffron Revolution in 2007. However, he is still working for peace in Myanmar today with HWPL.

Regarding the current situation in Myanmar, he said it's very likely to become a civil war so the help of the global community and prayers of the family of peace are desperately needed. He emphasized that the military is mercilessly killing people and it must cease.

He explained that he learned about HWPL and Chairman Man-Hee Lee after being exiled to Norway, and thoroughly acknowledged the importance of peace and peace education in elementary schools. Therefore, from 2018, he began to build HWPL peace libraries to teach peace.

In the future, he hopes to run peace education, peace activities and peace campaigns throughout the libraries. He was moved by Chairman Man-Hee Lee's pure passion for peace when he joined HWPL in 2016, and he was appointed as an HWPL Publicity Ambassador soon after in May 2018.

He opened the first HWPL peace library in Myanmar on June 2nd 2018 in the Payafon area, and the 4th HWPL Peace Library is about to open. He hopes for Myanmar to restore peace quickly and for peace education to be given to students and citizens in Myanmar.

Now he wants to build more HWPL peace libraries and conduct HWPL peace initiatives within libraries. He said he wants to teach the importance of peace, the DPCW (the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) and more. He will never give up striving for peace with HWPL.


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