Monday, January 14, 2019

[HWPL] Why Peace Education? - Peace Education Protects the Dreams of Children


[HWPL] Why Peace Education? - Peace Education Protects the Dreams of Children

On Universal Children's Day last year, HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light. Chairperson: Mr. Man Hee Lee) official homepage posted an article about why we need peace education for children.
According to the following 'shocking' statistics by UNICEF, it clearly shows why.

Even nowadays, children are facing war, conflict, abuse, violence, forced labor, early marriage and poverty which all make children to go through pain and death without living the life they want. No bright future for children means no bright future for mankind. Children are pushed to workplace and battlefield with tools and guns instead of school with pencils and books. They have the rights to enjoy to be loved, cared, nurtured, educated, helped to achieve goals and live the life they want to. They should be at home with loving families and school with friends.

We have to teach children the spirit of human rights, freedom, tolerance and peace through education. In the world, now, we need respect, understanding, love and kindness instead of war, conflicts and violence. Pursuing right values for the world will change the world eventually.

Children in Africa are learning peace through DPCW (Declaration of peace and cessation of war) that are provided by HWPL and IPYG
Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) and IPYG (International Peace Youth Group) have been shouting for global peace campaign and movements including peace education for students of elementary school, middle school and university (college). Mr. Man Hee Lee has been stressing "Let children learn peace, not war. They will become messengers of peace in the future who will achieve the world peace."

IPYG (International Peace Youth Group) has been stressing on 'Young people have to protect themselves from the war and death by achieving world peace. Who will compensate for the time and lives of young people?' Peace education will unite the youth and let them move forward to a brighter future with world peace. HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee intend to pass on a peaceful world to children through peace education. Peace education is now more than necessary for the protection of children and young people from death. It will surely keep their lives safe.

Young students at HWPL's peace education session

Writer's comment: Dear Youths, my brothers and sisters! let's be united in world peace, let's protect ourselves from war! Join this great peace movement, only 'WE' can help us.

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