Thursday, September 6, 2018

[HWPL] 918 World Peace WARP Summit : History of 918 World Peace WARP Summit


[HWPL] 918 World Peace WARP Summit : History of 918 World Peace WARP Summit

History is not a dead past, but a living past in the present 

- R. G. Collingwood

Every great achievement of mankind has had great moments that led to success and honor. HWPL's 918 world peace WARP Summit will celebrate its 4th anniversary this year and there have been various milestones along the way. Shall we check them out? :)

1. World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) Summit 

When? 17-19 September 2014

Where? the 63 Building in Seoul

What happened?
1) The Agreement to Propose the Enactment of International Law for the Cessation of Wars and World Peace. 

2) Signing of the World Peace and the World Alliance of Religions Agreement.

2. 1st Annual Commemoration of the Sept. 18th WARP Summit

When? 18-19 September 2015

Where? World Peace Gate in Seoul Olympic Park

What happened? Philippines

1) Official foundation of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee and discussion of international law to cease wars in the world.

Following the 1st Annual Commemoration of the Sept. 18th WARP Summit, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was proclaimed on 14 March 2016 :)

3. 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Sept. 18th WARP Summit

When? 17-19 September 2016

Where? Grand Intercontinental Parnas in Seoul

What happened?

1) ) Promotion of HWPL's "Legislate Peace" Campaign to urge for the implementation of the DPCW to the whole world.

As a result, there was participation from over one million people across 170 countries, and this is growing :)

4. 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Sept. 18th WARP Summit

When? 17-19 September 2017

Where? Grand Intercontinental Parnas in Seoul

What happened?

1) Presentation of the WARP Office's achievements that aims to determine the most trustworthy religious scripture.

2) Development of ideas for a global peace media network

3) Establishment of a cooperative network among international organizations, governments, and civil societies.

I have summarized the results of HWPL’s work and the activities for the DPCW in brief, excluding the other achievements attained by HWPL around the world. The 918 World Peace WARP Summit is now a huge global peace festival and many countries are adopting and supporting the DPCW as a legal binding international law for the world. The DPCW is in the process of introduction to the UN and it will be enacted when every leaders of the nations in the world agree on it :) And people like you and I who are yearning for world peace are waiting for the day when the DPCW will truly become an official international law for the world.

If you really want to make world peace, how about visiting HWPL and the 918 World Peace WARP Summit website and join this peacework together? :)

Click below links to visit :)


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