Sunday, February 19, 2023

[HWPL] Peace Tours of Man-Hee Lee (40): ‘Messengers of Peace’ from All Corners of the World Work Together to End Wars


[HWPL] Peace Tours of Man-Hee Lee (40): ‘Messengers of Peace’ from All Corners of the World Work Together to End Wars

On November 7, 2015, at the 'Advancing the Light of Peace: HWPL Peace Event' held at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts (CCPA) in Los Angeles, USA, attendees raise their hands in agreement that the Bible is the scripture that best describes prophecy and fulfillment

After the first anniversary celebration of the World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) Summit held in September 2015, Chairman Lee and the peace delegation went on another peace tour. Countries and cities visited on that 21st peace tour included Los Angeles, El Salvador, and London, England.

On November 7, 2015, the first stop on the 21st Peace Tour was Los Angeles, USA. At Los Angeles International Airport, hundreds of young people warmly welcomed the peace delegation and held a festival of joy. The CEO of VMR Marketing, a TV and Radio production company which broadcasts peace news, who was appointed as an HWPL Publicity Ambassador during the 16th peace tour, also came to the airport to report on the news of the peace messenger's visit.

That evening, at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts (CCPA), the ‘Advancing the Light of Peace: HWPL Peace Event’ was held with religious leaders of the Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and Sikh faiths, mayors, and heads of organizations. At the meeting, religious leaders and organization heads spoke highly of HWPL's progress for peace and promised their active participation and support.

On November 7, 2015, HWPL Chairman Lee speaks at the 'Advancing the Light of Peace: HWPL Peace Event' held at Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts (CCPA) in Los Angeles, USA

Etalemahu Fikre Taddesse, Founder of Ethiopian Women's Organization 4 All Women, said, “In the hour-long radio show we broadcast every weekend to promote HWPL and IWPG, we explained what we had witnessed during the WARP Summit and how many women had come together to support and empower each other. We also explained how IWPG had helped make this possible and we encouraged the members of my organization to become members of HWPL and IWPG.”

Religious leaders in attendance at the 'Advancing the Light of Peace: HWPL Peace Event' Conference 

City of Artesia Mayor Miguel Canales said, “What I am certain of is that we will continue to work for peace.”

Positive feedback also poured in for the WARP Office. “I was able to learn a lot about the Bible at the HWPL WARP Office,” said Bhai Satpal Singh Khalsa, Ambassador for the Sikh religion in the Western Hemisphere. “The many prophecies in the Bible are not ambiguous because they were written by God. And they are being fulfilled. I want to bring more people from our community to learn about other religions.” All the religious leaders who attended the conference raised their hands and acknowledged that the Bible is the scripture that best describes prophecy and fulfillment, and cheers resounded throughout the hall. It was an achievement in the pursuit of inter-religious harmony.

After making a sincere pledge for peace, the peace delegation moved immediately without rest to the next destination: El Salvador, in the Federal Republic of Central America, which was once classified as the most violent country on earth. The relationship between HWPL and El Salvador is particularly profound.

Exchanges of peace between HWPL and El Salvador had continued since the 7th peace tour in 2013. This 21st tour resulted in the construction and unveiling of a peace monument in a park in the heart of Santa Tecla city, El Salvador. On the 9th, the first day of the schedule, Chairman Lee visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador.

On November 9, 2015, Chairman Lee meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador Hugo Martínez

Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador Hugo Martínez said, “I would like to express my gratitude for the erection of the Peace Monument in Santa Tecla.” On behalf of El Salvador, he presented a letter of appreciation for the HWPL peace movement with a special painting depicting the “Bird of Peace.”

The HWPL El Salvador WARP Office also invited Chairman Lee to give a message of peace. In El Salvador, where the Christian population is overwhelmingly large, leaders of each denomination gathered and discussed the Bible under the theme of “Unification of Scripture.” At the meeting, Chairman Lee emphasized to the leaders that they should know what true religion is based on the Bible. Chairman Lee said, “Religion is not something that is simply based on human thoughts,” and “religion is what God fulfills through the promised pastor after the promise given from heaven has spread.”

On November 9, 2015, attendees are listening to Chairman Lee's remarks at the HWPL WARP Office meeting in El Salvador

Afterwards, Chairman Lee had an evening meal at a restaurant in Santa Tecla attended by Roberto José d'Aubuisson Munguía, Mayor of Santa Tecla, and his wife Jackeline d'Aubuisson. At the meal, Chairman Lee emphasized the necessity of peace education and said, "I believe that by following the school etiquette and incorporating 'peace education' in school textbooks, every child will grow up will the mindset of peace". The mayor replied, "The peace education you speak of is absolutely necessary for future generations.”

On the 10th, the following day, the 'Unveiling Ceremony of the Peace Monument of the WARP Summit' was held at El Cafetalón park in Santa Tecla to a crowd of citizens and media personnel. Chairman Lee, who was invited there, said, “We believe that our fellow family members throughout the world will now become messengers of peace to end wars and create a world of peace as a legacy for future generations. Future generations will remember this day for posterity.” In commemoration of May 25, 2013, the day of the proclamation of the Declaration of World Peace and the founding of HWPL, the city of Santa Tecla designated May 25 as ‘HWPL Day’ for posterity.

“On behalf of all citizens, I hereby declare Santa Tecla the 'City of Peace'”, said Mayor d'Aubuisson. “Every year, May 25 will mark the day we moved toward peace,” he said. “We are proud to be the first designated peace city in El Salvador. We should not just shout for peace with our lips, but practice it.”

On November 10, 2015, Chairman Lee speaks at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Peace Monument of the WARP Summit in Santa Tecla City, El Salvador

Roberto José d'Aubuisson Munguía, Mayor of Santa Tecla, presents Chairman Lee with a Peace Recognition Award, following the Unveiling Ceremony of the Peace Monument of the WARP Summit

Afterwards, a peace agreement ceremony was held in which the City made a promise before God to cooperate for world peace. A peace walk was then held with 1,000 citizens to commemorate that meaningful day.

Government officials such as Mexican Ambassador Francisco Javier Olavarría and key figures including city council members, diplomats and ambassadors visited Chairman Lee to express their gratitude and respect. One university professor in particular expressed his desire to incorporate and teach the peace education content in textbooks, saying that children and young people should follow HWPL's peace movement for the future of El Salvador.

Rhys Molina, head of the Department of International Relations, said, “I was deeply moved. Chairman Lee's movement touched my heart and his passion for peace overwhelmed me. It felt like a call to run for peace.”


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