Wednesday, February 12, 2020

[HWPL] Peace Camp and Peace Education in Ivory Coast and Mali: the Best Education in the World Today


[HWPL] Peace Camp and Peace Education in Ivory Coast and Mali: the Best Education in the World Today

HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light; Chairman Man Hee Lee) has been carrying out Peace Education globally to create a world of permanent and sustainable peace. The purpose of Peace Education is to teach students and children about key values including Love, Respect, Understanding, Tolerance and Non-violence.

From December 9th-23rd, HWPL hosted 'The HWPL Peace Camp' at seven schools in Ivory Coast and Mali. Those countries are located in the Sahel zone of West Africa, which has fallen victim to hostile conflicts between the French army and extremist Islamic factions.

The HWPL Peace Camp delivered the message 'Peace and Safety, Respect and Cooperation' to students who will become future leaders in conflict resolution and security within their respective countries.

The HWPL Peace Camp incorporated three topics for Ivory Coast and Mali, which included 'Peace and I', 'Peace that You and I make together' and 'Peace we make together'. These topics educated students on how to become advocates of peace who can pass peace on to their communities, societies and countries. The camp also included a 'Practical Education Program' that taught students the causes and solutions to conflict, and their implementation, in real life. This program was very popular to students and educators who participated in the event. 

Moreover, the Cote d'Ivoire National Commission for UNESCO - comprised of officials and educators - together with the government of Mali had a discussion with education officials from HWPL's Peace Education to continue in the implementation of the Peace Education program in their countries.

All participants agreed that, through the HWPL Peace Camp, they gained a clear understanding of peace. 

Rianna and Etan, students at the International English School of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, said:
"After we received peace education, we came to realize how important it was", adding, "I will be a person who shares love and affection with those around me in order to practice peace."

Peace Educator Asana said : "If everyone had received peace education in the past, the number of wars taking place in the world today would be much less. People don't understand why peace is needed, but everyone should learn about peace basically as it grows all over the world."

Children in the Ivory Coast and Mali will surely become great leaders of peace through HWPL's Peace Education. HWPL wishes for everyone in the world to cherish the value of world peace for a peaceful world :)


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