Monday, December 30, 2019

[HWPL] HWPL Peace Education Hosted Throughout Europe


[HWPL] HWPL Peace Education Hosted Throughout Europe

HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light; Chairman Man Hee Lee) carries out Peace Education as one of its main peace initiatives. Peace Education teaches young children and students to understand one another and resolve conflict and misunderstandings without the use of violence but through peaceful methods transcending race, gender, religion and ideology. This means that world peace will be achieved and maintained by future generations who learn this Peace Education.

HWPL has been working for the introduction of the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) with its 10 Articles and 38 Clauses that was drafted by HWPL's Peace Law Committee for the sake of world peace. Peace Education plays a crucial role in the DPCW and HWPL's peace initiatives.

Two schools in Targu Mures, Romania - Scoala Gimnaziala Dr. Bernady Gyorgy and Liceul Technologic Gheorghe Sincai - hosted HWPL Peace Education cultural exchange programs for students on December 5th.

Moreover, on November 28th and 29th, Scoala Generala #195 Hamburg school in Bucharest, Romania, also held Peace Education. Peace education helps students realize the importance of peace and think of what they can do for peace. Students discussed peace and ways of understanding others.

The schools signed an MOU with HWPL and will keep participating in the Peace Education program. They are planning to carry out the program regularly in the future.


Want to be informed and involved? Click Below!

HWPL official homepage :

IWPG official homepage :

IPYG official homepage :


  1. 平和のための皆の思いが美しいんです.

  2. なるほど。。平和の教育なんてすぎだと思います!

  3. “The desire for unification is the same voice of peace. There should be no more wars in our globe. Rather than pointing at each other with guns, youth should be at the front leading the way to peace.” HWPL Chairman Lee✌
