Wednesday, January 23, 2019

[IWPG] What is the meaning of IWPG's logo?


[IWPG] What is the meaning of IWPG's logo?

Last month, because of my curiosity, I wrote an article about the meaning of IPYG's (International Peace Youth Group) logo, which is very serious, touching and profound for world peace.

Today, I've prepared a short article about IWPG's logo :) I've been seeing the IWPG (International Women's Peace Group) logo whenever I write an article about it.

The logo of IWPG (International Women's Peace Group)
Look at that, the moon is embracing while also supporting the earth with a dove within. I really wonder how this is all related to world peace. I think that the dove is reasonable enough because it has been a symbol of peace for a long time.

So let's see what they mean according to IWPG's official homepage :)

No 1. The earth with a dove : It means the global community becoming one for world peace :)

No 2. The moon : Traditionally, the sun is symbolic of man whilst the moon is a symbolic of women. It means that IWPG has the will to embrace the world with the heart of a mother and the wisdom of women, and to become a main agent for world peace.

No 3. : IWPG = International Women's Peace Group

It isn't a hard or complicated meaning at all, is it?

IWPG is a women's group that wants  world peace of a permanent and sustainable kind - particularly for women throughout the world who have become, and still are, major victims of war and conflicts, even today. They have raised countless great people throughout history that changed the world, haven't they? There is no man born without a mother :)

Good job, IWPG! Let's keep up the good work :)

IWPG's Peace Walk campaign :)


1 comment:

  1. Bravoo IWPG you inspire us the Cameroon women. Women are truly the epitome of peace all over the world.
